How to create a calendar

Open the software and click on 'Create a New Project.'

Select 'Calendars'. 

Select the size calendar you wish to create.

Choose either small, medium or large dates.

A window will pop up asking if you wish to use the Wizard or not. Click Use Wizard or Skip Wizard.

Name your project and click Create.

When the designer opens up you can enter the month and year you would like your calendar to start on.

Upload your photos by selecting the plus icon on the top left side.

You can change the dates of your calendar at any time by selecting Calendar Settings next to the text box icon.

To add an event or birthday to a specific date, select Calendar Events or simply double click on the date.

Another window will pop up and you can click on the day to type in your event or birthday. Click on Other Events in this window to tick the public holidays/school terms you would like added to your calendar.

You can also add a photo to a specific day in this window. Click on Background, then select Photo and select the photo you would like on this date.

To change the text style of the special events in your calendar, click on Calendar Style.

Another window will pop up and you can customise your text here.

Once you have added all of your photos and special dates you can save your project, then click on the green shopping trolley to proceed to the checkout page!

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