Additional Copies

We have two options to reorder the same project:
Option 1:

If you want an exact copy of a project you have already ordered, simply login to your account on our website and click on ‘My Orders’.

You will then see a list of your orders, locate the order then click on 'Select' then ‘Reorder’.

You will then be taken straight to the checkout page where you can enter a new voucher number and confirm the order.

Option 2:
If you want to make some changes to a project you have previously ordered, please follow these steps:
1. Open our software
2. Click Open an Existing Project

3. Select the book you want to re-order and click Duplicate Project

4. Enter a new name for the duplicated project and click ok 

5. Open the new project 

6. You can now make any changes you would like and proceed to the checkout page to order as you did with the first project.

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